Every Disclosed Conflict of Interest at Psychedelic Science 2023
All of the financial conflict disclosures from speakers at Psychedelic Science 2023, in one handy list.

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[Author’s note: There is nothing inherently wrong with having a conflict of interest (COI), and disclosing COIs is a normal thing to do within a scientific field. Declarations of COIs provide important context to audiences as they evaluate information in light of a speaker’s potential motivations, biases, and goals. Because this information is located on a mobile app that is likely to disappear one day, Psymposia is preserving a copy for public reference on its website.]
The Psychedelic Science 2023 conference — taking place in Denver from June 19-23 — is hosting over 300 speakers. These speakers were required to declare financial conflicts of interest (COI) to the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM), an organization which provides continuing education for healthcare professionals.
Originally, speakers were asked to declare COIs in a slide of their presentation. This practice is in line with published recommendations in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) which state that “simple, standardized, and readable disclosure statements are urgently needed at the point of influential data presentation” [emphasis added]. However, before the conference began, speakers were informed that the COI slide had been removed from their presentations because PIM had aggregated speaker COIs into a list which would be available to conference attendees.
“This means that when you are on stage, you will not have your disclosure slide, and you are not required to make a disclosure statement,” speakers were informed in an email from conference organizers. “If you like, you may make a verbal disclosure on stage, but this is not required.”

The COI list can be found on the Psychedelic Science 2023 mobile app by locating the “Accreditation” tab on the app’s homepage. Halfway through the Accreditation page is the “Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest” section.
“All identified conflicts of interest (COI) are thoroughly vetted and mitigated according to PIM policy. The existence or absence of COI for everyone in a position to control educational content is listed below,” the section begins. “Speakers reported the following relevant financial relationships with ineligible entities related to the educational content of this CE [continuing education] activity.”
“Ineligible entities” is defined by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education as “those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.”
This list was created by PIM for Psychedelic Science 2023 and may contain unreported COIs and typos. The list reads as follows:
Speakers with nothing to disclose
Adam Safron
Adele Lafrance
Alan Davis
Alex Sherwood
Andrea Gomez
Anny Ortiz
Anthony Bossis
Balazs Szigeti
Belinda Eriacho
Bessel van der Kolk
Brandon Weiss
Candace Lewis
Cedar Barstow
Celeste Alvarez
Christopher Timmermann
Danielle Herrera
Danielle Nova/Negrin
David Yaden
David Esselman
David Mathai
Deran Young
Devon Christie
Diana Quinn
Eduardo Schenberg
Elias Dawkwar
Eline Haijen
Eric Vermetten
Floris Wolswijk
Gene Gunn
Gita Vaid
Glauber Assis
Hannes Kettner
Igor Adrian Llano Lourido
Imran Khan
Isabel Weisser
Jae Sevelius
Janis Phelps
Jenna Traynor
Jennifer Danby
Jessi Humphreys
Joe Tafur
Jose Carlos Bouso
Joshua Gordon
Julia Bornemann
Julian Mulligan
Kate Godfrey
Kwasi Adusei
Lisa Summer
Lorenzo Pasquini
Luis Tofoli
Marcela Ot’alora G.
Mary Cosimano
Matthew Boggott [sic, presumably “Baggott”]
Natalie Gukasyan
Natasha Mason
Nathan Sepeda
Nicholas Cozzi
Pamela Kryskow
Paul daley
Rachel Yehuda
Rafaella Lancelotta [sic, presumably “Elle Lancelotta”]
Raquel Bennet
Rebecca Kronman
Reilly Capps
Richard Schwartz
Richard Zeifman
Robin McKenna
Sara Reed
Shayla Love
Stephanie Kilpatrick
Stevens Rehen
Sunny Strasburg
Terence Ching
Todd Haspect
Victor Cabral
Speakers with disclosures
Akua Prieto Brown
Employee: Alchemy Community Therapy Center, Doorway Therapeutics, West Coast Therapy and Wellness, The Permanente Medical Group
Albert Garcia- Romeu
Grant Research: AGR has received research funding from MicroDoz Therapy Inc., Mydecine Innovations Group Inc., Unlimited Sciences, the Council on Spiritual Practices, the Heffter Research Institute, and NIH
Grant Research: AGR has received research funding support through the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research provided by Tim Ferriss, Matt Mullenweg, Blake Mycoskie, Craig Nerenberg, and the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation
Consultant Advisory Board: AGR is a paid scientific advisor to NeonMind Biosciences and InnerWell
Andrew Penn
Grant Research Support: Usona Institute (research support)
Grant Research Support: Filament (research support)
Speakers: Compass Pathways(non-CME speaking)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Mindmed (consultant)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Tactogen (advisory board)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Osmind (advisory board)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Alexander Shulgin Research Institute (consultant)
Consultant/Advisory Board: HMP/Psych Congress (advisory board)
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Osmind (stock options)
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Tactogen (stock)
Other Financial or Material Support: Board of Psychedelic Medicine and Therapies (SME consultant)
Other Financial or Material Support: California Institute of Integral Studies (teaching)
Other Financial or Material Support: Berkeley Center for Psychedelics (teaching)
Anne Wagner
Grant/Research Support: MAPS PBC
Consultant/Advisory Board: MAPS PBC
Anthony Back
Grant/Research Support: Cybin, Inc provided an unrestricted educational grant for training therapists for my clinical trial of psilocybin-assisted therapy for doctors and nurses. The grant ends in June 2023.
Anya Ermakova
Employee/Owner: Beckley Psytech
Grant/Research Support: Travel stipend
Consultant/Advisory Board: Beckley Psytech, Chacruna Institute, Cactus Conservation Institute
Barbara Rothbaum
Employee/Owner: Virtually Better, Inc
Grant/Research Support: MAPS
Consultant/Advisory Board: Otsuka, Senseye
Ben Sessa
Employee/Owner: Former co-founder and Head of Psychedelic Medicine at Awakn Life Sciences. (Employment ended on 14th April 2023)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Former co-founder and Head of Psychedelic Medicine at Awakn Life Sciences. (Employment ended on 14th April 2023)
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Yes, I still own shares / stock at Awakn Life Sciences
Benjamin Kelmendi
Consultant/Advisory Board: Transcend Therapeutics
Berra Yazar-Klosinski
Employee/Owner: Employee of Multidisciplinary Association for PsychedelicStudies (MAPS) Aug 2009-Apr 2022
Employee/Owner: Employee of MAPS Public Benefit Corporation Apr 2022-May 2023
Betsy Jenkins
Non-Mutual funds
Stock Ownership/Stock options: Stock ownership Compass Pathways (400 shares)
Boris Heifets
Grant/Research Support: NIMH R01
Consultant/Advisory Board: SAB member, Osmind Mental Health
Consultant/Advisory Board: SAB member, Journey Clinical
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Osmind Mental Health, <1% equity
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Journey Clinical, <1% equity
Broc Pagni
Employee/Owner: New York University
Grant/Research Support: Post-doctoral Trainee Program
Chandra Khalifian
Employee/Owner: California Couples Clinic
Grant/Research Support: VA RR&D: RX003490
Consultant/Advisory Board: Persephone
Charles Grob
Grant/Research Support: Cohen Foundation
Grant/Research Support: Sandburg Foundation
Grant/Research Support: Gordon Foundation
Grant/Research Support: Norris FOundation
Grant/Research Support: Anon Foundation
Consultant/Advisory Board: Lobe Sciences (scientific advisory panel)
Patent Holder/Royalties paid to you: Guilford Press
Charles Nichols
Employee/Owner: 2A Biosciences- Cofounder, Board Member, equity holder
Grant/Research Support: Eleusis Therapeutics
Grant/Research Support: 2A Biosciences
Consultant/Advisory Board: Palo Santo
Charles Raison
Consultant/Advisory Board: Usona Institute
Consultant/Advisory Board: Novartis
Consultant/Advisory Board: Sage/Biogen
Chris Stauffer
Consultant/Advisory Board: Paid supervisor/educator for MAPS Public Benefit Corporation
Other financial or material support: Received psilocybin for clinical trial from Usona and MDMA for clinical trial from MPBC
Claudia Cuentas
Employee/Owner: lAlma Institute (www.almatraining.org)~ Instructor for their Psilocybin training program and Cultural Director.
Consultant/Advisory Board: SoundMind Institute (consultant and guess lecture)
Cody Swift
Employee/Owner: Riverpsykhe INC.
Employee/Owner: Johns Hopkins University
Consultant/Advisory Board: Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund (board)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Indigenous Peyote Conservation Initiative (board seat ended)
Consultant/Advisory Board: B.More Heffter Research Institute
Cody Wenthur
Grant/Research Support: Psilera Inc – Research Contract
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Genomind – Honorarium for Speaking
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Horizons NY – Honorarium for Speaking
Consultant/Advisory Board: Psychedelic Pharmacists Association – Unpaid Advisor
Consultant/Advisory Board: Intercollegiate Psychedelic Network – Unpaid Advisor
Corine de Boer
Employee/Owner: Employee MAPS Public Benefit Corporation
Employee/Owner: Owner Tulip Medical Consulting LLC
Consultant/Advisory Board: Member Advisory Council Not Putting on a Shirt (registered charity)
Daniel Gehrlach
Employee/Owner: Employee: HMNC Holding GmbH (HMNC Brain Health)
Daniel Roberts
Employee/Owner: Daniel E. Roberts, MD (private psychiatry practice)
Consultant/Advisory Board: HQ Digital- Guest Speaker
Other Financial or Material Support: Fluence-training faculty-independent contractor (psychedelic education company)
Daniela Burner
Employee/Owner: PsychoGenics
Grant/Research Support: NIH
David Erritzoe
Employee/Owner: Imperial College London
Grant/Research Support: For the work in focus for this presentation funding comes from SmallPharma Ltd
Consultant/Advisory Board: Aya Biosciences
Consultant/Advisory Board: Mindstate Lab
Consultant/Advisory Board: Clerkenwell Health
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Stock options in Field Trip
Other financial or material support: Work at Imperial College’s Centre for Psychedelic Research supported by: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/psychedelic-research-centre/funding/our-generous-supporters/
David Nutt
Employee/Owner: Awaknlifesciences
Grant/Research Support: COMPASSPathways
Grant/Research Support: Usona
Grant/Research Support: Filament
Grant/Research Support: Beckley Psytec
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Takeda
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Otsuka
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Lundbeck
Consultant/Advisory Board: Alvarius
Consultant/Advisory Board: Neuraltherapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Algernon
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Psyched Wellness
Patent Holder/ Royalties paid to you: Awaknlifesciences
Draulio Barros de Araujo
Grant/Research Support: Brazilian government
Consultant/Advisory Board: Biomind Labs (ended on Dec. 2022)
Emmanuelle Schindler
Grant/Research Support: Ceruvia Lifesciences
Consultant/Advisory Board: PureTech
Patent Holder/ Royalties paid to you: Named owner on patent: Psychedelic Treatment for Headache Disorders [17/168,638 (US); 2021709245 (EP); 3,166,785 (CA); 2022-547896 (JP)]
Erika Dyck
Grant/Research Support: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Consultant/Advisory Board: Psychedelic Science Advisory Committee (Queens University, Canada)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines (Not-for-Profit, Board Member)
Frederick Barrett
Grant/Research Support: Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation,
Grant/Research Support: Wana Brand Foundation,
Grant/Research Support: PharmaDrug Inc
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: The University of Pennsylvania
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: University of California-Davis
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: University of Southern California
Consultant/Advisory Board: WavePaths, Ltd
Consultant/Advisory Board: MindState Design Labs, Inc
Consultant/Advisory Board: Gilgamesh Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Consultant/Advisory Board: Atai Life Sciences
Gabby Agin-Liebes
Grant/Research Support: NIH T32DA007233
Patent Holder/Royalties paid to you: I am the inventor on patents filed by NYU for the use of psilocybin to treat existential distress associated with cancer and suicidality, but I have waived rights to this intellectual property and have no prospect of financial benefit. I am not currently employed by NYU.
Gul Dolen
Consultant/Advisory Board: MIND Institute
Consultant/Advisory Board: Compass Pathways
Consultant/Advisory Board: Pangea Biosciences
Patent Holder/Royalties paid to you: U.S. Patent Application No.: 63/120,657/ Eleusis LLC (license holder)
Haley Maria Dourron
Grant/Research Support: Source Research Foundation
Other financial or material support: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Harriet de Wit
Grant/Research Support: NIH Research Grant
Consultant/Advisory Board: Gilgamesh Pharmaceuticals
Consultant/Advisory Board: Awakn life Sciences
Consultant/Advisory Board: MIND Foundation
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: PharmAla Biotech
Other financial or material support: Editorial duties for scientific journal Springer-Nature
Heidi Allen
Grant/Research Support: Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation
Grant/Research Support: Joe & Sandy Samberg Foundation
Consultant/Advisory Board: Usona Institute (upaid)
Consultant/Advisory Board: RWJF Policies for Action National Advisory Committee (unpaid)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
Ingmar Gorman
Consultant/Advisory Board: Journey Clinical
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Journey Clinical
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Beckley Psytech
James Close
Employee/Owner: Imperial College London
Employee/Owner: Centre for Psychedelic Research
Grant/Research Support: Imperial College London
Grant/Research Support: Centre for Psychedelic Research
James Keim
Employee/Owner: Both & Discovery, a Public Benefit Corporation
Employee/Owner: BluSpectrum
Employee/Owner: Mimosa Therapeutics, a Public Benefit Corporation
Consultant/Advisory Board: Advisor to the Alexander Shulgin Research Institute
Consultant/Advisory Board: Advisor to Mindlumen
Jason Wallach
Employee/Owner: Saint Joseph’s University (Employer)
Grant/Research Support: Compass Pathways (Contract)
Grant/Research Support: Bexson Biomedical (Contract)
Grant/Research Support: PA Department of Health (Grant)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Pangea (Consultant)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Compass Pathways (Consultant)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Bexson Biomedical (Consultant)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Progressive Therapeutics (Consultant)
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Bexson Biomedical (Shares and options)
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Compass Pathways (Options)
Patent Holder/ Royalties paid to you: I am an inventor on several patents and pending patent applications.
Jay Nair
Employee/Owner: MAPS PBC Employee
Jennifer Jones
Consultant/Advisory Board: MAPS PBC
Consultant/Advisory Board: JEDI Consultant
Other Financial or Material Support: Philadelphia FIGHT
Other Financial or Material Support: Columbia University
Other Financial or Material Support: CIIS
Other Financial or Material Support: MAPS PBC Trainer
Jennifer Mitchell
Grant/Research Support: MAPS/MAPSPBC
Jessica Nielson
Grant/Research Support: National Institutes of Health (R01 MH116156; UL1 TR002494/TR/NCATS)
Grant/Research Support: Heffter Research Institute
Grant/Research Support: Young Investigator Program
Grant/Research Support: University of Minnesota Foundation
Other financial or material support: Sub-investigator on COMPASS Pathways phase III clinical trial for treatment resistant depression (NCT05624268).
Joel Castellanos
Grant/Research Support: Cohen Foundation
Consultant/Advisory Board: Tryp Therapeutics
Patent Holder/ Royalties paid to you: Springer Publishing
Jordan Sloshower
Consultant/Advisory Board: Usona Institute
Consultant/Advisory Board: Cybin
Katrin Preller
Employee: Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH & Co KG Fa Hoffmann – La Roche
Kelley O’Donnell
Grant/Research Support: Usona Institute
Grant/Research Support: B.More
Grant/Research Support: MAPS-Public Benefit Corporation (MPBC)
Grant/Research Support: MindMed
Other financial or material support: MPBC
Keren Tzarfaty
Employee/Owner: MAPS Israel CEO
Other financial or material support: MAPS – Contractor (adcovacy work in Israel)
Other financial or material support: MPBC – Contractor: senior trainer, supervisor and therapist
Kevin Franciotti
Employee/Owner: Ballen Medical & Wellness: W-2 Full-time employee
Employee/Owner: Behavioral Health Group: W-2 Full-time employee
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Peaks Recovery: received speaker honoraria for panel during The Advanced International Winter Symposium on Addictive Disorders, Behavioral Health, and Mental Health
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Compass Pathways (2 shares)
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: ATAI Life Sciences (10 shares)
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: MindMed (1.46 shares)
Kurt Rasmussen
Employee/Owner: Deluxe Therapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Curie Bio
Consultant/Advisory Board:Freedom Biosciences
Lynnette Averill
Employee/Owner: NPSYT
Employee/Owner: PLLC
Consultant/Advisory Board: Transcend Therapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Boend
Consultant/Advisory Board: Reason for Hope
Other financial or material support: Zed3
Manish Agrawal
Employee/Owner: Sunshine Therapies
Manoj Doss
Consultant/Advisory Board: VCENNA, Inc. – Scientific consultant
Consultant/Advisory Board: Ocean Bio Ltd. – Scientific consultant
Maria Balaet
Grant/Research Support: Medical Research Council Doctoral Training Programme at Imperial College London
Matthew Johnson
Grant/Research Support: Mydedine Innovations group
Consultant/Advisory Board: AJNA Labs LLC
Consultant/Advisory Board: AWAKN Life Sciences Inc.
Consultant/Advisory Board: Beckley Psychedelic Ltd.
Consultant/Advisory Board: Reunion Neurosciences
Consultant/Advisory Board: Mind Medicine Inc.
Consultant/Advisory Board: Negev Capital
Consultant/Advisory Board: Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization Inc.
Consultant/Advisory Board: Silo Pharma
Consultant/Advisory Board: Entheon Inc.
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: AJNA Labs LLC
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: AWAKN Life Sciences Inc.
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Beckley Psychedelic Ltd.
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Reunion Neurosciences
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Mind Medicine Inc.
Michael Bogenschutz
Grant/Research Support: Mind Medicine, Inc.
Grant/Research Support: Tilray Canada
Grant/Research Support: The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) PBC
Grant/Research Support: B.More, Inc.
Consultant/Advisory Board: Ajna Labs LLC
Consultant/Advisory Board: Journey Colab
Consultant/Advisory Board: Bright Minds Biosciences, Inc.
Michael Mithoefer
Consultant/Advisory Board: MAPS Public Benefit Corporation
Consultant/Advisory Board: Senior Medical Director (Contractor) Awakn Scicnes
Consultant/Advisory Board: Scientific Advisory Board
NiCole Buchanan
Employee/Owner: Michigan State University (I am employed by the university, but I am not associated with their work related to patients)
Employee/Owner: Board of Psychedelic Medicine and Therapies (Interim CEO, creating credentialing standards for practitioners)
Grant/Research Support: National Science Foundation (I receive grant support for unrelated research, not healthcare related research)
Nicole Galvao Coelho
Employee/Owner: Permanent employee, Associate Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Other financial or material support: Researcher fellowship; CAPES Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brazil
Nolan Williams
Grant/Research Support: NIMH,
Grant/Research Support: One Mind,
Grant/Research Support: FFOR
Grant/Research Support: Welcome Leap
Consultant/Advisory Board: Magnus Medical,
Consultant/Advisory Board: Sooma,
Consultant/Advisory Board: Neurawell
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Magnus Medical
Pamela Kryskow
Consultant/Advisory Board: Unpaid consultant for – Nectara Wellness, Synaptic Care
Consultant/Advisory Board: Scientific Advisor – Mycomedica Life Sciences PBC
Consultant/Advisory Board: Clinical Advisor – Numinus
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Mycomedica Life Sciences PBC
Paul Liknaitzky
Grant/Research Support: Incannex Healthcare Ltd
Consultant/Advisory Board: Incannex Healthcare Ltd
Paul Summergrad
Consultant/Advisory Board: Compass Pathways
Consultant/Advisory Board: Pear Therapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Owl Inc
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Karuna
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Eli Lilly
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Owl Inc
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Sensorium
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Health and Productivity Sciences, Inc
Peter Hendricks
Consultant/Advisory Board: Bright Minds Biosciences Ltd.,
Consultant/Advisory Board: Eleusis Benefit Corporation,
Consultant/Advisory Board: Journey Colab Corporation,
Consultant/Advisory Board: Reset Pharmaceuticals Inc.,
Consultant/Advisory Board: Silo Pharma.
Other financial or material support: Research funding from the NIH.
Other financial or material support: Research funding from the Heffter Research Institute
Rakesh Jain
Grant/Research Support: AbbVie (Allergan)
Grant/Research Support: Lilly
Grant/Research Support: Lundbeck
Grant/Research Support: Otsuka
Grant/Research Support: Pfizer
Grant/Research Support: Shire
Grant/Research Support: Takeda
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: AbbVie (Allergan)
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Alkermes
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Axsome
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Corium
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Eisai
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Indivior
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Intra-Cellular Therapies
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Ironshore Pharmaceuticals
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Janssen
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Lilly
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Lundbeck
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Merck
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Neos Therapeutics
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Neurocrine
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Otsuka
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Pamlab
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Pfizer
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Shire
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Sunovion
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Takeda
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Teva
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Tris Pharmaceuticals
Consultant/Advisory Board: AbbVie (Allergan)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Acadia
Consultant/Advisory Board: Adamas
Consultant/Advisory Board: Alfasigma
Consultant/Advisory Board: Axsome
Consultant/Advisory Board: Biogen
Consultant/Advisory Board: Boehringer Ingelheim
Consultant/Advisory Board: Corium
Consultant/Advisory Board: Cingulate Therapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Eisai
Consultant/Advisory Board: Evidera
Consultant/Advisory Board: Impel
Consultant/Advisory Board: Janssen
Consultant/Advisory Board: Lilly
Consultant/Advisory Board: Lundbeck
Consultant/Advisory Board: Merck
Consultant/Advisory Board: Neos Therapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Neurocrine Biosciences
Consultant/Advisory Board: Osmotica
Consultant/Advisory Board: Otsuka
Consultant/Advisory Board: Pamlab
Consultant/Advisory Board: Pfizer
Consultant/Advisory Board: Sage Therapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Shire
Consultant/Advisory Board: Sunovion
Consultant/Advisory Board: Supernus
Consultant/Advisory Board: Takeda
Consultant/Advisory Board: Teva
Consultant/Advisory Board: Transcend Therapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Usona
Rebecca Kronman
Employee/Owner: Journey Clinical
Consultant/Advisory Board: Journey Clinical
Robin Carhart-Harris
Consultant/Advisory Board: TRYP therapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Usona Institute
Consultant/Advisory Board: Journey Collab’
Consultant/Advisory Board: Osmind
Consultant/Advisory Board: Maya Health
Consultant/Advisory Board: Beckley Psytech
Consultant/Advisory Board: Anuma
Consultant/Advisory Board: MindState
Consultant/Advisory Board: Entheos Labs
Roland Griffiths
Grant/Research Support: Usona Research Institute – Site PI on multisite psilocybin depression trial
Consultant/Advisory Board: Heffter Research Institute – Member of Board of Directors
Roxanne Sholevar
Consultant/Advisory Board: Compass Pathways
Sandeep Nayak
Grant/Research Support: The Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research is funded by philanthropic support from the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation, as well as Tim Ferriss, Matt Mullenweg, Blake Mycoskie, and Craig Nerenberg
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Ross Center — honorarium for CME event
Sarah Abedi
Employee/Owner: Pacific Neuroscience Institute
Employee/Owner: West LA VA Medical Center
Grant/Research Support: MAPS
Grant/Research Support: Evolve
Grant/Research Support: Usona
Grant/Research Support: MindMed
Consultant/Advisory Board: TREAT California Initiative
Saundra Jain
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Lilly
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Otsuka
Consultant/Advisory Board: Lilly
Consultant/Advisory Board: Otsuka
Consultant/Advisory Board: Pamlab
Consultant/Advisory Board: Sunovion
Sidarta Ribeiro
Employee/Owner: Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Employee/Owner: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ)
Grant/Research Support: Bial Foundation
Grant/Research Support: Boehringer-Ingelheim International GmbH
Consultant/Advisory Board: Chacruna Institute
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Psychomeasure
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Piauhy
Stacy Fisher
Grant/Research Support: NCI 1R01CA268521-01A (MPI Ross/Fischer) “Psilocybin therapy for Advanced Cancer-related Psychiatric Distress” (7/22 – 6/27)
Stephen Ross
Grant/Research Support: Usona Institute
Grant/Research Support: Reset Pharmaceuticals
Grant/Research Support: Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)
Grant/Research Support: Mind Medicine
Patent Holder/Royalties paid to you: Dr Ross is listed as a co-inventor in two patent applications (N420838US and N419987US) related to the use of psilocybin to treat psychiatric and existential distress in cancer, filed by New York University Grossman School of Medicine and licensed by Reset Pharmaceuticals. Dr Ross has waived all rights and has no prospect of financial gain in relation to these patent applications.
Tehseen Noorani
Consultant/Advisory Board: Tactogen PBC (part-time scholar-in-residence)
Timothy Brewerton
Employee/Owner: Timothy D. Brewerton, MD, LLC (owner)
Employee/Owner: Monte Nido & Affiliates (Director of Clinical Outcomes & Research)
Employee/Owner: Sylvia The Wood Nymph, LLC (founder, owner,executive producer)
Grant/Research Support: Monte Nido & Affiliates
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Psychopharmacology Institute
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Psychiatry Redefined
Consultant/Advisory Board: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)
Consultant/Advisory Board: Eating Recovery Center & Pathlight Programs
Consultant/Advisory Board: Sun Cloud Health
Consultant/Advisory Board: Resiliency Technologies, Inc.
Consultant/Advisory Board: RiverMend Health
Patent Holder/Royalties paid to you: Springer Publishing (royalties)
Patent Holder/Royalties paid to you: Taylor and Francis (royalties)
Tom Insel
Employee/Owner: NeuraWell Therapeutics
Employee/Owner: Humanest Care
Employee/Owner: Valera Health
Employee/Owner: Vanna Health
Speakers Bureau/Honoraria for non-CME: Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau
Consultant/Advisory Board: Alto Neuroscience
Consultant/Advisory Board: Compass Pathways
Consultant/Advisory Board: NeuraWell Therapeutics
Consultant/Advisory Board: Valera Health
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Alto Neuroscience
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Compass Pathways
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Humanest Care
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Karuna Therapeutics
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Mindstrong Health
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: NeuraWell Therapeutics
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Owl Insight
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Valera Health
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Vanna Health
Tommaso Barba
Consultant/Advisory Board: Beautiful Space Wellness
Willie Siu
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: Bexson Biomedical
Non-Mutual funds Stock Ownership/Stock options: People Science
Yarelix Estrada
Grant/Research Support: CDC OD2A for research
Consultant/Advisory Board: Board of Directors for the Tennessee Recovery Alliance
Consultant/Advisory Board: Board of Directors for the Source Research Foundation
Consultant/Advisory Board: Advisory Board of Psymposia
Consultant/Advisory Board: Advisory Board of Cardea
Yvan Beaussant
Grant/Research Support: Research grant received from Sunstone Therapies
Grant/Research Support: Research grant received from Cy Biopharma
Hey! Before you go… Psymposia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media organization that offers critical perspectives on drugs, politics, and culture. We strive to ask challenging questions, and we’re committed to independent reporting, critical analysis, and holding those who wield power accountable.
Our perspectives are informed by critical analysis of the systemic crises of capitalism that have directly contributed to the unmitigated growth of addiction, depression, suicide, and the unraveling of our social relations. The same economic elite and powerful corporate interests who have profited from causing these problems are now proposing “solutions”—solutions which both line their pockets and mask the necessity of structural change.
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